A. FortiGate sends the user entered credentials to the LDAP server for authentication.
B. FortiGate re-generates the algorithm based on the login credentials and compares it against the algorithm stored on the LDAP server.
C. FortiGate queries its own database for credentials.
D. FortiGate queries the LDAP server for credentials.
Answer: D NSE4-5.4 Braindumps
A. port1-VLAN10 and port2-VLAN10 can be assigned to different VDOMs.
B. port1-VLAN1 is the native VLAN for the port1 physical interface.
C. Traffic between port1-VLAN1 and port2-VLAN1 is allowed by default.
D. Broadcast traffic received in port1-VLAN10 will not be forwarded to port2-VLAN10.
Answer: A,D NSE4 Dumps NSE7 Exam Braindumps